Play Therapy
for Children and Their Families
Helping kids and families communicate and heal
You love them so much and know everybody else, should, too. They are unique, have their own way of doing things, and keep you on your toes. Their individual differences make them who they are! But sometimes those differences can be hard to manage. When the meltdowns are outnumbering the easy times, if they're having trouble making or keeping friends, or when you find yourself dreading the next email or phone call from school about their behavior, it's time to get some help. Kids don't want to be in trouble. They're just using what they know to show us they need support.
Big life changes are hard for adults, and can be even harder for children. They may not understand the same way we do, but are affected just as deeply. Death, separation and/or divorce, losing jobs/homes/pets/family members, and suffering or witnessing abuse are all hard to navigate.
Maybe your child isn't meeting "normal" developmental milestones (and your pediatrician is telling you not to worry). Adoption or foster care may be part of your child's history. They may be saying they want to be known as a different gender.
Your amazing kids deserve amazing support!
That's where we come in. We start where you are. We listen to what you know about your child-you know them better than we ever will. After finding out what you know and what you've tried (because most families have tried everything they know about), we'll come up with a plan that will work for your family.
After an initial intake process we may recommend:
• Individual Play Therapy-research supports this method of helping children heal and progress
• Family Play Therapy-when the whole family needs to get together to make things better, family play therapy gives even young children a voice
• Coordination with school or other professionals- If we're all pulling together, we can accomplish the best for each child
It’s easy to get started. If you are in the Houston area and need support for your child, just click the button below!
It's easy to worry and hard to know how to help.
Discovering your family's strengths together