What Questions Do I Ask to Find the Right Houston Play Therapist?

So you’ve done some great research on Houston child therapists and found good options for a play therapist for your little one. The therapists you like even offer free phone consultations or answers by email. But how do you know what to ask to figure out which Houston child counselor is the right fit for your child and family? What’s important for you to know/find out/pay attention to?

Here’s What to Ask a Play Therapist in Houston

You’ve got the phone consultation booked and are waiting for the play therapist to call. You think you know what to ask, but you’re wondering if you’ve covered all the bases. We understand! This is a big decision. You want to pick the child counselor that will help your child and be a fit for your family.

Here are some ideas to get you started or add to your list:

  1. What percentage of your practice is play therapy based?

    Play therapists who focus solely on kids have lots of experience and will be able to get to the heart of the matter more quickly. They’re well-versed in the areas of concern for lots of families.

  2. How does the child counselor support parents?

    Kids are not in it alone, parents need help knowing how to help their children who are in child therapy. Recommendations can maximize the benefit that your child gets out of the time they spend with their therapist.

  3. How do we get started?

    Knowing what will happen next will help you feel more confident and lower your anxiety. What steps do you need to take to get your child into play therapy? What is the intake process? How long does it take? How will you know what the child therapist’s recommendations are for your family?

  4. What kind of appointments are available?

    Are there after school play therapy slots? Can parents schedule coaching sessions during lunch hours? Is there a wait list, and if yes, how long is it? If your child needs immediate support, knowing the expected time frame is a crucial component.

  5. How much does it cost?

    What kinds of payment does the practice accept? Are insurance payments or reimbursements available? If this practice is not a good financial fit for you, perhaps there is one that offers a sliding scale.

  6. How do I talk to my child about coming to play therapy?

    Parents make the decision, but kids deserve to know what to expect. Telling your child that you’ve found a grown up who helps with kids’ worries and concerns is a good way to start. The right practice will be able to guide you in what to say.

  7. How does play therapy work (or other questions you have about child counseling)?

    Find out what a play therapy session might look like for your child, how the therapist will determine how progress is being made, and how you can communicate with your child’s therapist.

  8. Where are you located?

    In Houston, traffic can make or break you. Even if the child therapist comes highly recommended, a stressful commute might be the opposite of what you’re hoping for—more peace for your child and family.


More Questions? We’re Here.

We hope you’ve gotten some ideas about questions to ask potential Houston play therapists so you get the answers you need to help your child.  If you want more information, call us at (713) 936-0633 and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. We love helping kids and parents find what they need, and if we’re not the right fit for your child’s play therapy, we can give you suggestions for someone who might be.


Questions about Play Therapy in Houston? We have Answers.


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